FIFA 23 World Cup Mode Confirmed
EA Sports has confirmed the presence of a World Cup mode in their upcoming release of FIFA 23.
2022-07-22 02:00

FIFA 23 Pre-Order Bonuses Detailed
The details of FIFA 23's pre-order have been officially confirmed, including some compelling bonus rewards.
2022-07-22 01:00

FIFA 23 Release Date Revealed for September
FIFA 23's release date worldwide for PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Windows PC and Stadia has been set for Sept. 30, 2022.
2022-07-21 05:00

FIFA 23 Early Access Leak Reveals Dates
Dates relevant to FIFA 23 Early Access have been apparently leaked on Twitter.
2022-07-19 03:00

FIFA 23 Release Date Leaked
FIFA 23's release date was allegedly leaked.
2022-07-19 02:00

FIFA 23 Ratings Predictions: The 10 Highest Rated Players
FIFA 23 is set to release at the beginning of Fall 2022. One part of the next FIFA reveals that fans always look forward to is the new ratings of their favorite players. Here are our predictions for the 10 highest-rated players in FIFA 23.
2022-07-13 06:00

FIFA 23 Ratings Reveal: When is It?
FIFA 23 is set to release at the beginning of Fall 2022. One part of the next FIFA reveal that fans always look forward to is the new ratings of their favorite players. Here is when we expect the FIFA 23 player ratings to be revealed.
2022-07-13 03:00

FIFA 23 Gerd Muller Apparently Leaked as Icon
In FIFA 23, most Icons are set to be returning, with new ones leaked to come as well. One of the newest leaked is an Icon in German football that has been requested by fans for years, Gerd Muller.
2022-07-12 06:00

FIFA 23 Cover Apparently Leaked
FIFA 23 is set to release at the beginning of Fall 2022. Many leaks have surfaced revealing new features in FIFA 22. In the latest wave of leaks from DonkTrading on Twitter, it's been revealed that we should be getting the FIFA 23 cover reveal next week.
2022-07-12 04:00

Will There be a FIFA 23 Beta?
FIFA 23 is inching closer and closer, with FIFA 22 coming to an end after this summer. The middle of the summer is usually when EA begins releasing information on the upcoming FIFA title, including the game's Beta. Here's what we know about the Beta.
2022-07-02 04:00

FIFA 23 Release Date: When is it?
FIFA 23 is inching closer and closer, with FIFA 22coming to an end after this summer. The middle of the summer is usually when EA begins releasing information on the upcoming FIFA title, including a release date. Here's the expected FIFA 23 release date.
2022-07-02 01:00

FIFA 23 Cover Star: Who is it?
FIFA 23 is inching closer and closer, with FIFA 22 coming to an end after this summer. Every year, a new cover star is announced for the upcoming game during the summer. So who will be the FIFA 23 cover star?
2022-07-02 01:00