What is Max Level in Evil Dead: The Game?
We've come up with a guide to the maximum level of each class in Evil Dead: The Game.
2022-05-23 03:00

Lifeline Pick Rate Hits All-Time Low in Apex Legends Season 13
Lifeline's pick rate has hit an all-time low following the release of Apex Legends Season 13.
2022-05-22 04:00

How to Counter Newcastle in Apex Legends
Here's a breakdown of how to counter Newcastle in Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors
2022-05-15 03:00

Valorant Patch Notes 4.09: Chamber Nerfed, Party Lead Transfer Feature Added
Here's a breakdown of the 4.09 patch notes for Valorant Episode 4 Act 3.
2022-05-11 05:00

Apex Legends Dev Confirms Respawn is Looking to 'Tackle' Shield Meta
It appears Gibraltar could be in line for a nerf in Apex Legends in the near future.
2022-05-09 00:00

Respawn Entertainment Unveils Newcastle Abilities in Apex Legends
Respawn Entertainment has unveiled the abilities for the new defensive legend, Newcastle, in Apex Legends.
2022-05-06 03:00

Apex Legends Newcastle: Leaked Abilities and Lore
Here's a breakdown of Newcastle's leaked abilities and lore coming soon in Apex Legends: Saviors.
2022-04-29 07:00

Overwatch 2 Cassidy Rework Detailed
In Overwatch 2, some heroes kits are being changed. Cassidy is one of those heroes whose abilities have undergone a rework from how he played in the first Overwatch game. This article goes over those changes.
2022-04-28 08:00

Junker Queen Overwatch 2 Abilities Apparently Revealed in Leak
A new leak has seemingly revealed key information about the Junker Queen being a playable hero for Overwatch 2.
2022-04-26 20:26

Apex Legends Teasers Suggest 'Newcastle' as New Legend, Bangalore's Brother
Apex Legends Season 13 could see the release of the new Legend Newcastle, who may be Bangalore's brother.
2022-04-26 20:25

Sojourn Lore: Everything You Need to Know
Here's what you need to know about the lore for Overwatch 2 hero Sojourn.
2022-04-26 20:04

Sojourn Abilities Explained Alongside Gameplay Trailer
Sojourn's brand new gameplay trailer just dropped, and it showcases her brand new abilities and features.
2022-04-26 20:04