How to Track Your Apex Legends Heirloom Progress
To track their Apex Legends Heirloom progress, players must monitor how many Apex Packs they open on a third-party website.
2023-11-23 03:19

Who's Getting The Next Heirloom in Apex Legends Season 19?
The next Legend to get an Heirloom in Apex Legends Season 19 is likely either Catalyst, Mad Maggie, Newcastle, Vantage, or Ballistic.
2023-10-24 01:18

This Newcastle Heirloom Concept Should Be the Next Apex Legends Heirloom
A Newcastle Heirloom concept from Reddit reveals an awesome longsword design that should be the next Heirloom in Apex Legends.
2023-09-20 01:58

How Many People Play Apex Legends in 2023?
Apex Legends' average monthly player count hovers around 65,000,000 players in 2023, with over 66,000,000 people playing Apex Legends in August 2023.
2023-09-18 23:27

How to Unlock Apex Legends Fuse Heirloom
The Apex Legends Fuse Heirloom is an electric guitar called The Razor's Edge that fans get by unlocking all 24 cosmetics in the Harbingers Collection Event.
2023-09-15 02:45

How to Get Revenant Reborn's Heirloom in Apex Legends
To get Revenant Reborn's Heirloom in Apex Legends, players must unlock all 24 items from the Death Dynasty Collection Event.
2023-08-10 00:45

LEAK: Fuse Heirloom Coming to Apex Legends
A Fuse Heirloom called Razor's Edge is coming to Apex Legends in the future, along with a new Collection Event, according to data miners.
2023-08-09 23:50

Apex Legends Season 18 Revenant Reborn Heirloom Revealed
The Apex Legends Season 18 Revenant Reborn Heirloom is called Revenant's Death Grip and can be unlocked through the Death Dynasty Collection Event.
2023-08-04 03:28

How to Get Ash's Heirloom in Apex Legends
Ash is the latest Legend to be given an Heirloom in Apex Legends. Here's how to earn it.
2023-03-28 01:00

Ash to Get Next Heirloom in Apex Legends, Say Leaks
The simulacrum Ash could be the next character to receive a dedicated Heirloom in Apex Legends, according to leaks.
2023-02-24 00:00

Apex Legends Imperial Guard Collection Event: Skins, Heirlooms Leaked
Apex Legends Season 16 is set to feature another Collection Event, called Imperial Guard, and it seems some data miners have already discovered what's to come.
2023-02-17 21:00

Do Heirlooms Do Any Extra Damage in Apex Legends?
Here's a breakdown of whether or not Heirlooms do any extra damage in Apex Legends.
2022-11-15 22:00