TimTheTatman Reveals 'Broken' Warzone Sniper That One-Shots WIth Ease
TimTheTatman showcased how the Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle is perhaps the sniper that all players should be giving a try in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 4.
2022-07-14 05:00

Modern Warfare 2 Leak Reveals Return of Classic Call of Duty Modes
Modern Warfare 2 is set to release this fall, and leaks have increased the hype for the upcoming Call of Duty installment. The latest major leak reveals multiple classic Call of Duty game modes apparently returning for Modern Warfare 2.
2022-07-14 02:00

Warzone SMG Tier List July 2022
Here is how the SMGs stack up in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 4 in July 2022.
2022-07-13 12:00

New Warzone Stim Glitch is Breaking the Game Again
Glitches and bugs have plagued Call of Duty: Warzone often over the past few years, some more game-breaking than others. The Stim glitch has appeared multiple times in Warzone, and it looks like a new Warzone Stim Glitch is once again breaking the game.
2022-07-13 03:00

Warzone Expert WhosImmortal Reveals "NZ-41 Wasn't Really Nerfed" in July Update
Many buffs and nerfs arrived in the July 7 Update of Call of Duty: Warzone. After the latest attempt, however, Warzone expert WhosImmortal has revealed that the NZ-41 "wasn't really nerfed," and still is just as good as ever.
2022-07-13 00:00

JGOD Shows Off MW SMG With One of the Best TTKs in Warzone
In his latest video going over what guns are meta in Call of Duty: Warzone, JGOD highlighted one gun in particular that excels in quickly deleting any and all enemies
2022-07-12 04:00

Warzone Weapon Tier List July 2022
Here is how the weapons stack up in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 4 in July 2022.
2022-07-10 23:00

Warzone Assault Rifle Tier List July 2022
Here is how the assault rifles stack up in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 4 in July 2022.
2022-07-10 23:00

Forgotten Cold War Weapon Could Rival the NZ-41 and STG-44
The C58 may not be popular, but it has the stats to keep up in Warzone's current meta.
2022-07-10 02:00

Atlanta FaZe Issues Apology for 'Misguided' Tweet
The Atlanta FaZe apologized for a tweet it published earlier this week that many read as misogynistic.
2022-07-09 07:00

Warzone Controller Players Demand Change of Loadout System
Warzone players who use controllers are frustrated with a recent change to the loadout menu.
2022-07-08 07:00

MP5 Remains in Hip Fire Meta Despite Several Nerfs, Per TikTok
The MP5 can still hang in today's Warzone meta, according to one TikToker.
2022-07-08 07:00