Is League of Legends Wild Rift Coming to Switch in 2023?
League of Legends: Wild Rift was annonced to come to Nintendo Switch by Riot Games. However, the official release date was not set by Riot.
2023-03-17 04:00

Is Bel'Veth Coming to League of Legends Wild Rift?
Bel'Veth, a new jungle champion, is going to be released to League of Legends PBE soon. But will she be added to Wild Rift as well?
2022-05-25 05:00

League of Legends Wild Rift: Elemental Rifts Return in Patch 3.2
Patch 3.2 from Riot Games brought Elemental Rifts, new skins, gameplay changes, and more into League of Legends.
2022-05-18 03:00