LEAK: New Storm Point POIs Are Coming to Apex Legends
A leak suggests new Storm Point POIs are coming in Apex Legends Season 19 after leakers found six new zones in the files.
2023-09-28 04:19

LEAK: Apex Legends Storm Point Map Changes
Leaks suggest Storm Point will undergo changes in Apex Legends Season 18 as severe weather threatens the southeast portion of the map.
2023-07-19 01:55

Does Storm Point Return in Apex Legends Season 15?
Here's a breakdown of when Storm Point is set to return in Apex Legends.
2022-11-08 20:00

Dr Disrespect Not a Fan of Apex Legends Map Storm Point
Content creator Dr. Disrespect has tweeted his thoughts on Apex Legends' new ranked split map and he does not seem to be pleased with the change.
2022-10-07 04:00

Apex Legends Player Discovers Gravity Cannon Recoil Trick
One Apex Legends player has discovered a way to use Gravity Cannons not only to escape but also to confuse any pursuing enemies.
2022-06-27 05:00

Apex Legends 'Summer Tiki' Event Seemingly Leaked
It appears a summer, beach-themed event could be arriving soon in Apex Legends: Saviors.
2022-05-25 06:00